
Posts Tagged ‘renewal’

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away” (Rev 21:1).

As I wrote in yesterday’s post, “Revelation shows an ancient vision of an ancient understanding of an eternal reality beyond/behind the one we most tangibly experience.” Despite the gaps of time and culture between us and the last book of the Bible, we can rejoice in a belief that God will ultimately bring universal renewal. Sadness and sickness and death and divisiveness and all evil will vanish.

That is God’s mission. That is our mission. God is accomplishing it; we get to participate in it.

(Day 363: Revelation 20-21)

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The prophet Ezekiel says that the Lord “was on me and he took me there. In visions of God he took me to the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain… He took me there, and I saw… The man said to me… ‘Tell the people of Israel everything you see'” (Ezek 40:1-4).

I pray for visions of renewal among God’s people today. I pray that the Lord will take us there, to a vision between the status quo and the eventual fulfillment of God’s kingdom, a vision that compels us to compassionate participation in God’s mission of healing transformation.

Lord, take me there!

(Day 254: Ezekiel 40-42)

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